Reading data


Make sure that you have installed the necessary dependencies for running the examples.

Loading recordings

pupil_recording_interface provides a simple interface for loading recordings made with Pupil Capture into Python. Recordings are loaded as xarray Datasets which provide an elegant way of working with multi-dimensional labeled data.

To get started, we use get_test_recording() to download and cache a very short example recording. The method returns the path to the cached folder:

>>> import pupil_recording_interface as pri
>>> folder = pri.get_test_recording()


You can easily load recorded gaze data with load_gaze():

>>> pri.load_gaze(folder)
Dimensions:             (cartesian_axis: 3, pixel_axis: 2, time: 5160)
  * time                (time) datetime64[ns] 2019-10-10T16:43:20.149777889 ... 2019-10-10T16:43:41.262381792
  * pixel_axis          (pixel_axis) <U1 'x' 'y'
  * cartesian_axis      (cartesian_axis) <U1 'x' 'y' 'z'
Data variables:
    eye                 (time) int64 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ... 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
    gaze_norm_pos       (time, pixel_axis) float64 0.4082 0.3912 ... 0.1286
    gaze_point          (time, cartesian_axis) float64 nan nan ... 0.1299
    eye0_center         (time, cartesian_axis) float64 nan nan ... -0.02006
    eye1_center         (time, cartesian_axis) float64 nan nan ... -0.02153
    eye0_normal         (time, cartesian_axis) float64 nan nan ... 0.267 0.9269
    eye1_normal         (time, cartesian_axis) float64 nan nan ... 0.1646 0.9797
    gaze_confidence_3d  (time) float64 0.8787 0.8769 0.9233 ... 0.9528 0.9528

The gaze dataset contains the following arrays:

  • eye: the eye data that produced the mapping, 0 for eye 0 (usually right), 1 for eye 1 (usually left), 2 for binocular mapping

  • gaze_norm_pos: the two dimensional norm pos, i.e. the normalized position of the gaze in the video frame where (0, 0) is the lower left and (1, 1) is the upper right corner of the frame

  • gaze_point: the three-dimensional gaze point represented in the world camera coordinate system (x right, y down, z forward), in meters

  • eye{0,1}_center: the center of each eye represented in the world camera coordinate system, in meters

  • eye{0,1}_normal: the normal of each eye represented in the world camera coordinate system

  • gaze_confidence_3d: the confidence of the mapping between 0 and 1

All arrays behave like numpy arrays, (i.e. you can use functions like np.sum on them), but will preserve their labels (called coordinates) in most cases.

If you performed post-hoc gaze mapping, it is also possible to reference an offline gaze mapper by name and load its data:

>>> pri.load_gaze(folder, source='3d Gaze Mapper')
Dimensions:             (cartesian_axis: 3, pixel_axis: 2, time: 5125)
  * time                (time) datetime64[ns] 2019-10-10T16:43:20.278882265 ... 2019-10-10T16:43:41.209933281
  * pixel_axis          (pixel_axis) <U1 'x' 'y'
  * cartesian_axis      (cartesian_axis) <U1 'x' 'y' 'z'
Data variables:
    eye                 (time) int64 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ... 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
    gaze_norm_pos       (time, pixel_axis) float64 0.551 -0.2074 ... -0.07305
    gaze_point          (time, cartesian_axis) float64 0.003464 ... 0.03572
    eye0_center         (time, cartesian_axis) float64 0.005147 ... -0.02
    eye1_center         (time, cartesian_axis) float64 -0.04123 ... -0.02
    eye0_normal         (time, cartesian_axis) float64 -0.252 ... 0.9327
    eye1_normal         (time, cartesian_axis) float64 0.8417 -0.1958 ... 0.8089
    gaze_confidence_3d  (time) float64 0.9761 0.9586 0.9473 ... 0.9487 0.9207

Finally, it is also possible to merge the data from a 2d and a 3d gaze mapper, in which case the norm pos will come from the 2d mapper and the gaze point from the 3d mapper:

>>> pri.load_gaze(
...     folder, source={'2d': '2d Gaze Mapper ', '3d': '3d Gaze Mapper'}
... )
Dimensions:             (cartesian_axis: 3, pixel_axis: 2, time: 4987)
  * time                (time) datetime64[ns] 2019-10-10T16:43:20.278882265 ... 2019-10-10T16:43:41.209933281
  * pixel_axis          (pixel_axis) <U1 'x' 'y'
  * cartesian_axis      (cartesian_axis) <U1 'x' 'y' 'z'
Data variables:
    eye                 (time) int64 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ... 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
    gaze_norm_pos       (time, pixel_axis) float64 0.4303 0.3921 ... 0.1736
    gaze_point          (time, cartesian_axis) float64 0.003464 ... 0.03572
    eye0_center         (time, cartesian_axis) float64 0.005147 ... -0.02
    eye1_center         (time, cartesian_axis) float64 -0.04123 ... -0.02
    eye0_normal         (time, cartesian_axis) float64 -0.252 ... 0.9327
    eye1_normal         (time, cartesian_axis) float64 0.8417 -0.1958 ... 0.8089
    gaze_confidence_2d  (time) float64 0.9761 0.9586 0.9473 ... 0.9487 0.9207
    gaze_confidence_3d  (time) float64 0.9761 0.9586 0.9473 ... 0.9487 0.9207

We can get a set of all available gaze mappers for a recording with:

>>> pri.get_gaze_mappers(folder) 
{'2d Gaze Mapper ', '3d Gaze Mapper', 'recording'}


Pupil data can be loaded in a similar manner with load_pupils(). Since the recorded pupil data in the example recording uses the 3d pupil detector, we need to specify method="3d":

>>> pri.load_pupils(folder, method="3d")
Dimensions:                  (cartesian_axis: 3, pixel_axis: 2, time: 5170)
  * time                     (time) datetime64[ns] 2019-10-10T16:43:20.188713789 ... 2019-10-10T16:43:41.300101757
  * pixel_axis               (pixel_axis) <U1 'x' 'y'
  * cartesian_axis           (cartesian_axis) <U1 'x' 'y' 'z'
Data variables:
    eye                      (time) int64 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 ... 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
    confidence               (time) float64 0.9374 0.9412 0.9036 ... 1.0 0.9771
    diameter                 (time) float64 49.14 43.71 49.01 ... 47.23 39.66
    ellipse_angle            (time) float64 61.4 85.65 61.37 ... 53.67 76.26
    pupil_norm_pos           (time, pixel_axis) float64 0.2423 0.663 ... 0.4504
    ellipse_center           (time, pixel_axis) float64 46.52 64.7 ... 105.5
    ellipse_axes             (time, pixel_axis) float64 42.82 49.14 ... 39.66
    circle_center            (time, cartesian_axis) float64 -5.992 ... 81.2
    circle_normal            (time, cartesian_axis) float64 -0.1717 ... -0.9904
    sphere_center            (time, cartesian_axis) float64 -3.931 ... 93.08
    projected_sphere_center  (time, pixel_axis) float64 67.58 101.9 ... 93.74
    projected_sphere_axes    (time, pixel_axis) float64 173.5 173.5 ... 159.9
    diameter_3d              (time) float64 5.928 5.864 5.913 ... 5.876 5.194
    theta                    (time) float64 1.175 1.993 1.174 ... 1.354 1.704
    phi                      (time) float64 -1.758 -1.533 ... -1.691 -1.534
    model_confidence         (time) float64 0.5911 0.851 ... 0.1845 0.6902
    circle_radius            (time) float64 2.964 2.932 2.956 ... 2.938 2.597
    sphere_radius            (time) float64 12.0 12.0 12.0 ... 12.0 12.0 12.0
    projected_sphere_angle   (time) float64 90.0 90.0 90.0 ... 90.0 90.0 90.0
    model_birth_timestamp    (time) float64 2.286e+03 2.284e+03 ... 2.284e+03

It is also possible to load pupil data that was computed post-hoc by specifying source="offline". The post-hoc data contains 2d pupil data which we can load with method="2d":

>>> pri.load_pupils(folder, source="offline", method="2d")
Dimensions:         (pixel_axis: 2, time: 5164)
  * time            (time) datetime64[ns] 2019-10-10T16:43:20.277472973 ... 2019-10-10T16:43:41.364654779
  * pixel_axis      (pixel_axis) <U1 'x' 'y'
Data variables:
    eye             (time) int64 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 ... 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
    confidence      (time) float64 0.9622 0.99 0.9273 0.9674 ... 0.99 0.99 0.0
    diameter        (time) float64 49.46 44.2 49.62 44.2 ... 39.84 47.64 0.0
    ellipse_angle   (time) float64 62.86 77.64 61.91 78.05 ... 83.34 124.2 -90.0
    pupil_norm_pos  (time, pixel_axis) float64 0.242 0.6634 0.5005 ... 0.0 1.0
    ellipse_center  (time, pixel_axis) float64 46.46 64.62 96.1 ... 0.0 0.0
    ellipse_axes    (time, pixel_axis) float64 43.06 49.46 39.78 ... 0.0 0.0

Calibration markers

Locations of calibration markers that were detected post-hoc can be loaded with load_markers():

>>> pri.load_markers(folder)
Dimensions:      (pixel_axis: 2, time: 240)
  * time         (time) datetime64[ns] 2019-10-10T16:43:20.238371849 ... 2019-10-10T16:43:41.232636929
  * pixel_axis   (pixel_axis) <U1 'x' 'y'
Data variables:
    frame_index  (time) int64 0 1 3 4 90 91 92 ... 427 428 429 430 431 513 540
    location     (time, pixel_axis) float64 202.4 258.9 202.8 ... 822.5 598.0



This functionality requires the netcdf4 library, see the dependencies for data export.

All of the above methods accept a cache argument that will cache the loaded data in the netCDF format, making subsequent loading significantly faster:

>>> pri.load_gaze(folder, cache=True)
Dimensions:             (cartesian_axis: 3, pixel_axis: 2, time: 5160)
  * time                (time) datetime64[ns] 2019-10-10T16:43:20.149777889 ... 2019-10-10T16:43:41.262381792
  * pixel_axis          (pixel_axis) object 'x' 'y'
  * cartesian_axis      (cartesian_axis) object 'x' 'y' 'z'
Data variables:
    eye                 (time) float64 ...
    gaze_norm_pos       (time, pixel_axis) float64 ...
    gaze_point          (time, cartesian_axis) float64 ...
    eye0_center         (time, cartesian_axis) float64 ...
    eye1_center         (time, cartesian_axis) float64 ...
    eye0_normal         (time, cartesian_axis) float64 ...
    eye1_normal         (time, cartesian_axis) float64 ...
    gaze_confidence_3d  (time) float64 ...

Loading videos

Since video data is rather large, we rarely bulk-load entire video recordings (although it is possible, see Other video functionality). Rather, this library provides a VideoReader class with which we can go through videos frame by frame. You can get information about the world camera video with:

>>> reader = pri.VideoReader(folder)
>>> reader.video_info
{'resolution': (1280, 720), 'frame_count': 504, 'fps': 23.987}

With VideoReader.load_raw_frame() you can retrieve a raw video frame by index:

>>> reader = pri.VideoReader(folder)
>>> frame = reader.load_raw_frame(100)
>>> frame.shape
(720, 1280, 3)

or by timestamp:

>>> reader = pri.VideoReader(folder)
>>> frame = reader.load_raw_frame(reader.timestamps[100])
>>> frame.shape
(720, 1280, 3)

Here, we used the timestamps attribute of the reader which contains the timestamps for each frame to get the timestamp of the frame with index 100.

If you have the matplotlib library installed, you can show the frame with imshow(). Note that you have to reverse the last axis as the frame is loaded as a BGR image but imshow expects RGB:

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> plt.imshow(frame[:, :, ::-1])

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


Eye videos can be loaded by specifying the stream parameter:

>>> eye_reader = pri.VideoReader(folder, stream='eye0')

With return_timestamp=True you can get the corresponding timestamp for a frame:

>>> timestamp, frame = eye_reader.load_frame(100, return_timestamp=True)
>>> timestamp
Timestamp('2019-10-10 16:43:21.087194920')

This timestamp can now be used to get the closest world video frame:

>>> frame = reader.load_frame(timestamp)
>>> frame.shape
(720, 1280, 3)

ROI extraction

You can easily extract an ROI around the current gaze point in the image by specifying the norm_pos and roi_size parameters and using the VideoReader.load_frame() method:

>>> gaze = pri.load_dataset(folder, gaze='2d Gaze Mapper ')
>>> reader = pri.VideoReader(
...     folder, norm_pos=gaze.gaze_norm_pos, roi_size=64
... )
>>> frame = reader.load_frame(100)
>>> frame.shape
(64, 64, 3)
>>> plt.imshow(frame[:, :, ::-1]) 

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


Other video functionality

Video frames can also be sub-sampled and converted to grayscale with the subsampling and color_format parameters:

>>> reader = pri.VideoReader(
...     folder, color_format='gray', subsampling=4.
... )
>>> frame = reader.load_frame(100)
>>> frame.shape
(180, 320)

VideoReader.read_frames() provides a generator for frames that can be restricted to an index or timestamp range with the start and end parameters:

>>> reader = pri.VideoReader(folder)
>>> reader.read_frames(start=100, end=200) 
<generator object VideoReader.read_frames at ...>

The video reader also provides a VideoReader.load_dataset() method. The method is rather slow as it has to load each frame individually. You can provide start and end timestamps to specify the time frame of the loaded data:

>>> reader = pri.VideoReader(folder, subsampling=8.)
>>> reader.load_dataset(
...     start=reader.user_info['experiment_start'],
...     end=reader.user_info['experiment_end'],
... )
Dimensions:  (color: 3, frame_x: 160, frame_y: 90, time: 22)
  * time     (time) datetime64[ns] 2019-10-10T16:43:23.237552881 ... 2019-10-10T16:43:24.175843954
  * frame_x  (frame_x) int64 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159
  * frame_y  (frame_y) int64 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
  * color    (color) <U1 'B' 'G' 'R'
Data variables:
    frames   (time, frame_y, frame_x, color) uint8 8 7 23 9 8 21 ... 5 11 9 7 21

Other files

The recording metadata file created by Pupil Capture (info.player.json) can be loaded with load_info():

>>> pri.load_info(folder) 
{'duration_s': 21.111775958999715,
 'meta_version': '2.3',
 'min_player_version': '2.0',
 'recording_name': '2019_10_10',
 'recording_software_name': 'Pupil Capture',
 'recording_software_version': '1.16.95',
 'recording_uuid': 'e5059604-26f1-42ed-8e35-354198b56021',
 'start_time_synced_s': 2294.807856069,
 'start_time_system_s': 1570725800.220913,
 'system_info': 'User: test_user, Platform: Linux'}

You can also load the user info (user_info.csv) with load_user_info():

>>> pri.load_user_info(folder) 
{'name': 'TEST',
 'pre_calibration_start': Timestamp('2019-10-10 16:43:21.220912933'),
 'pre_calibration_end': Timestamp('2019-10-10 16:43:22.220912933'),
 'experiment_start': Timestamp('2019-10-10 16:43:23.220912933'),
 'experiment_end': Timestamp('2019-10-10 16:43:24.220912933'),
 'post_calibration_start': Timestamp('2019-10-10 16:43:25.220912933'),
 'post_calibration_end': Timestamp('2019-10-10 16:43:26.220912933'),
 'height': 1.8}

A recording usually also contains other msgpack-encoded files, for example the camera intrinsics. These can be loaded with load_object()

>>> pri.load_object(folder / "world.intrinsics") 
{'version': 1,
 '(1280, 720)':
     {'camera_matrix': [[826.1521272145403, 0.0, 627.8343012631811],
                       [0.0, 769.1786602466223, 359.810742797992],
                       [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]],
      'dist_coefs': [[-0.14119955505495468],
      'resolution': [1280, 720],
      'cam_type': 'fisheye'}}

Data export


Make sure you have installed the necessary dependencies for data export.

Recorded data can also directly be written to disk with write_netcdf():

>>> pri.write_netcdf(folder, gaze='recording', output_folder='.')

This will create a file in the current folder. This file type can directly be loaded by xarray:

>>> import xarray as xr
>>> xr.open_dataset('')
Dimensions:             (cartesian_axis: 3, pixel_axis: 2, time: 5160)
  * time                (time) datetime64[ns] 2019-10-10T16:43:20.149777889 ... 2019-10-10T16:43:41.262381792
  * pixel_axis          (pixel_axis) object 'x' 'y'
  * cartesian_axis      (cartesian_axis) object 'x' 'y' 'z'
Data variables:
    eye                 (time) float64 ...
    gaze_norm_pos       (time, pixel_axis) float64 ...
    gaze_point          (time, cartesian_axis) float64 ...
    eye0_center         (time, cartesian_axis) float64 ...
    eye1_center         (time, cartesian_axis) float64 ...
    eye0_normal         (time, cartesian_axis) float64 ...
    eye1_normal         (time, cartesian_axis) float64 ...
    gaze_confidence_3d  (time) float64 ...