

We recommend using pupil_recording_interface in a dedicated conda environment, especially if you want to use the online functionality. For Linux users, we provide an environment file that you can download and set up with:

$ conda env create -f environment-lnx64.yml

For the notebook versions of the examples, it is sufficient to have Jupyter notebook installed in your base environment alongside nb_conda:

$ conda install -n base nb_conda

Now you can open any of the example notebooks, go to Kernel > Change kernel and select Python [conda env:pri-examples].


For streaming from the Pupil Core cameras as a normal user on Linux you will also have to set up the udev rules specified in the streaming dependencies section.

Offline examples

A collection of examples that demonstrate how pupil_recording_interface can be used to replace certain functionalities of Pupil Player.

Online examples

A collection of examples that demonstrate how pupil_recording_interface can be used to replace certain functionalities of Pupil Capture.

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