
Latest version

pupil_recording_interface can be installed via pip:

$ pip install git+

or via conda from our own channel:

$ conda install -c vedb -c conda-forge pupil_recording_interface

Optional dependencies

The library requires several optional dependencies for features like streaming video from the Pupil Core cameras, recording data or special algorithms such as pupil detection.

Many of these dependencies are non-trivial to install, especially on Windows. Therefore, we recommend installing the library in a conda environment since conda provides a straightforward way of cross-platform distribution for non-Python dependencies. We are actively working on packaging those dependencies that aren’t already available through conda. At the moment, only packages for Linux x64 and Python versions 3.6 and 3.7 are available.

Example data

To download the test recording used in the examples you need to install pooch:

$ pip install pooch


$ conda install pooch


To stream video from the pupil cameras you need to install the PyUVC library.


A conda package is available for Linux:

$ conda install -c vedb -c conda-forge pyuvc

Set these udev rules to access the cameras as a normal user:

$ echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", GROUP="plugdev", MODE="0664"' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/10-libuvc.rules > /dev/null
$ sudo udevadm trigger

Windows and MacOS

For these operating systems, follow the instructions on the PyUVC GitHub page.


To record video you need to install ffmpeg. This can be done via conda on all operating systems:

$ conda install ffmpeg x264

H.265 encoding (Linux)

On Linux it is also possible to record videos using the H.265/HEVC standard. The x265 implementation of the codec can be installed via conda along with an ffmpeg package build with support for the library:

$ conda install -c loopbio ffmpeg x265

If you also need support for FLIR cameras (see FLIR cameras), you will need to install our own ffmpeg package instead:

$ conda install -c loopbio -c vedb ffmpeg=3.4.2 x265

Pupil detection

Pupil detection is implemented based on Pupil Labs’ pupil-detectors package.


A conda package is available for Linux:

$ conda install -c vedb -c conda-forge pupil-detectors

Windows and MacOS

Install via pip:

$ pip install pupil-detectors

On MacOS, you will probably need to install some build dependencies. Please refer to the pupil-detectors GitHub pages for details.

RealSense T265

Motion and video data from an Intel RealSense T265 tracking camera can be streamed by installing the RealSense SDK and pyrealsense2:

$ pip install pyrealsense2

Linux and MacOS

The RealSense SDK can be installed through conda:

$ conda install -c conda-forge librealsense


Follow the instructions on the RealSense SDK GitHub page.

FLIR cameras

PySpin and simple-pyspin are required for FLIR camera support.


We provide a simple-pyspin conda package with all dependencies for Linux:

$ conda install -c vedb -c conda-forge simple-pyspin

Windows and MacOS

For PySpin download the latest Spinnaker SDK.

simple-pyspin can be installed via pip:

$ pip install simple-pyspin


Install the netcdf4 library in order to export data to the netCDF format:

$ pip install netcdf4

or with conda:

$ conda install netcdf4