Offline analysis

pupil_recording_interface provides straightforward interfaces for post-hoc pupil detection, calibration and gaze mapping, similar to Pupil Player.

Pupil detection


Make sure that you have installed the necessary dependencies for pupil detection.

We start by creating a PupilDetector in the same way as in the processing tutorial.

>>> import pupil_recording_interface as pri
>>> pupil_detector = pri.PupilDetector(camera_id=0)

For post-hoc pupil detection we first create a VideoReader instance that points to an eye camera video. Now we can use the PupilDetector.batch_run() method, which will return a list containing pupil data for each frame:

>>> eye0_reader = pri.VideoReader(
...     pri.get_test_recording(), stream="eye0", color_format="gray"
... )
>>> pupil_list_eye0 = pupil_detector.batch_run(eye0_reader)
>>> pupil_list_eye0[0] 
    {'center': (96..., 130...),
     'axes': (39..., 44...),
     'angle': 77...},
 'diameter': 44...,
 'location': (96..., 130...),
 'confidence': 0.99,
 'internal_2d_raw_data': ...,
 'norm_pos': (0.5..., 0.6...),
 'timestamp': 2294...,
 'method': '2d c++',
 'id': 0,
 'topic': 'pupil'}

We can also tell the detector to stop after 100 frames and return a dataset:

>>> pupil_detector.batch_run(eye0_reader, end=100, return_type="dataset")
Dimensions:         (pixel_axis: 2, time: 100)
  * time            (time) datetime64[ns] 2019-10-10T16:43:20.280291796 ... 2019-10-10T16:43:21.079125643
  * pixel_axis      (pixel_axis) <U1 'x' 'y'
Data variables:
    eye             (time) int64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    confidence      (time) float64 0.99 0.9674 0.924 ... 0.9381 0.9711 0.9554
    diameter        (time) float64 44.2 44.2 44.37 44.35 ... 45.75 45.8 45.79
    ellipse_angle   (time) float64 77.64 78.05 76.35 77.67 ... 78.78 80.25 79.18
    pupil_norm_pos  (time, pixel_axis) float64 0.5005 0.6779 ... 0.5067 0.677
    ellipse_center  (time, pixel_axis) float64 96.1 130.1 96.13 ... 97.29 130.0
    ellipse_axes    (time, pixel_axis) float64 39.78 44.2 39.68 ... 41.15 45.79

Marker detection

To detect calibration markers in the world camera images, we can use the CircleDetector:

>>> marker_detector = pri.CircleDetector()

This process also has a CircleDetector.batch_run() method, to which we pass a VideoReader for the world video:

>>> world_reader = pri.VideoReader(pri.get_test_recording())
>>> marker_list = marker_detector.batch_run(world_reader)
>>> marker_list[0] 
{'ellipses': [((202..., 258...), (3..., 7...), 5...),
              ((202..., 258...), (9..., 14...), 7...),
              ((202..., 258...), (14..., 21...), 8...)],
 'img_pos': (202..., 258...),
 'norm_pos': (0.1..., 0.6...),
 'marker_type': 'Ref',
 'timestamp': 2294...,
 'frame_index': 0}

Again, we can specify a stop (and start) index and return a dataset:

>>> marker_detector.batch_run(world_reader, end=100, return_type="dataset")
Dimensions:      (pixel_axis: 2, time: 34)
  * time         (time) datetime64[ns] 2019-10-10T16:43:22.248995781 ... 2019-10-10T16:43:23.472124815
  * pixel_axis   (pixel_axis) <U1 'x' 'y'
Data variables:
    frame_index  (time) int64 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 ... 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
    location     (time, pixel_axis) float64 619.1 352.2 618.9 ... 615.7 354.0


After detecting pupils and calibration markers, we can now run a calibration with a Calibration instance:

>>> calibration = pri.Calibration(resolution=(1280, 720))

We pass the detected pupils and calibration markers to Calibration.batch_run() to obtain a monocular calibration.

>>> calibration.batch_run(pupil_list_eye0, marker_list) 
{'params': ([-28..., -29..., 15..., 14..., 41..., -29..., 13...],
            [-2..., -14..., 2..., 13..., -0..., 0..., 4...],

It is also possible to perform a binocular calibration, provided that we have detected pupils from the second eye camera. However, we need to take care that the detected pupils are in the correct chronological order. We can use merge_pupils() for this:

>>> eye1_reader = pri.VideoReader(
...     pri.get_test_recording(), stream="eye1", color_format="gray"
... )
>>> pupil_detector.camera_id = 1
>>> pupil_list_eye1 = pupil_detector.batch_run(eye1_reader)
>>> pupil_list = pri.merge_pupils(pupil_list_eye0, pupil_list_eye1)

Now we can run a binocular calibration. As you can see, the result is different this time, as it includes binocular calibration coefficients as well as monocular coefficients for each eye:

>>> calibration_result = calibration.batch_run(pupil_list, marker_list)
>>> calibration_result 
{'params': ([-1..., -12..., -2..., 1..., -0..., 8..., 5..., -2..., 1...,
             -6..., 1..., 5..., 5...],
            [8..., 16..., 4..., 7..., -4..., -12..., -13..., 13..., -3...,
             -8..., -10..., 17..., -6...], 13),
 'params_eye0': ([-28..., -29..., 15..., 14..., 41..., -29..., 13...],
                 [2..., 14..., -2..., -13..., 0..., -0..., -3...], 7),
 'params_eye1': ([-3..., -0..., 2..., -1..., 3..., -0..., 1...],
                 [1..., -2..., -1..., 9..., -1..., 6..., 0...], 7)}


Running a calibration on pupil and marker datasets is not yet possible.

Gaze mapping

Finally, we can use the GazeMapper to map detected pupils to gaze data according to a previously obtained calibration:

>>> gaze_mapper = pri.GazeMapper(calibration=calibration_result)

As usual, we use the GazeMapper.batch_run() method for post-hoc mapping:

>>> gaze_list = gaze_mapper.batch_run(pupil_list)
>>> gaze_list[0] 
{'topic': 'gaze.2d.01.',
  'norm_pos': (0.33..., 0.67...),
  'confidence': 0.97...,
  'timestamp': 2294...,
  'base_data': [...]}

The method can also return a dataset, although we need to provide a dictionary with the recording info to get the correspondence between recorded (monotonic) timestamps and datetime timestamps:

>>> info = pri.load_info(pri.get_test_recording())
>>> gaze_mapper.batch_run(pupil_list, return_type="dataset", info=info)
Dimensions:             (pixel_axis: 2, time: 5154)
  * time                (time) datetime64[ns] 2019-10-10T16:43:20.278882504 ... 2019-10-10T16:43:41.326934099
  * pixel_axis          (pixel_axis) <U1 'x' 'y'
Data variables:
    eye                 (time) int64 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ... 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
    gaze_norm_pos       (time, pixel_axis) float64 0.3359 0.6786 ... 0.9603
    gaze_confidence_2d  (time) float64 0.9761 0.9586 0.9473 ... 1.0 0.984 0.984


Running gaze mapping on a pupil dataset is not yet possible.