
pupil_recording_interface.write_netcdf(folder, output_folder=None, gaze=None, odometry=None, accel=None, gyro=None)

Export a recording in the netCDF format.

  • folder (str or pathlib.Path) – Path to the recording folder.

  • output_folder (str, optional) – Path to the folder where the recording will be exported to. Defaults to <folder>/exports/<export_number>.

  • gaze (str, optional) – The source of the gaze data. If ‘recording’, the recorded data will be used. Can also be the name of a gaze mapper or a dict in the format {'2d': '<2d_gaze_mapper>', '3d': '<3d_gaze_mapper>'} in which case the norm pos from the 2d mapper and the gaze point from the 3d mapper will be used.

  • odometry (str, optional) – The source of the odometry data. Can be ‘recording’.

  • accel (str, optional) – The source of the accel data. Can be ‘recording’.

  • gyro (str, optional) – The source of the gyro data. Can be ‘recording’.